Jenny Cornish

Current Student

Jenny is a current student on the squadron, and is one of the Acting Pilot Officers. When not leading A Flight, she studies Adult and Mental Health Nursing at Birmingham City University, and is in her final year.

She is the conduit between UBAS and the Association, keeping current students up to date with upcoming events and networking opportunities.

During her time on UBAS, Jenny has enjoyed many different experiences (many of which have ended with a very foggy memory). Her favourite experience was going sailing in Croatia for a week, although Jenny is particularly proud of not losing a single sporting tournament during her time on the Squadron (while not being sure how much of this was due to her, compared to her overly competitive team mates).

Jenny’s future aspiration is to join the Royal Air Force as a dual Adult and Mental Health nurse, hopefully working in the Tactical Medical Wing. This is, of course, while never losing connection with the Association and her UBAS
friends made during her three years.