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Blue Lions past and presentAttend exclusive eventsNetwork with other membersReconnect with friends of oldMeet and help to mentor current Blue LionsJoin the UBAS Association today!

About the Association

Hundreds of UBAS alumni have gone on to do great things – within and outside of the military, nationally, and around the world. On joining, you will become part of our network and gain access to the Association’s exclusive events, mentoring opportunities, and a bi-annual newsletter.
The Association’s principal aim is to keep current Blue Lions and alumni connected. Membership offers you the chance to reconnect with the Squadron and other Blue Lions wherever they are in the world, and help mentor the current generation of students as they enjoy their time on UBAS.

Benefits of Joining

Connect with a network of Blue Lions around the world.

Enjoy a regular programme of exclusive social events.

Set up future generations of Blue Lions for success.